7:30 AM
Students may enter the building and eat breakfast or go to their 1st period class.
7:45 AM
1st period begins. Students arriving at school after 7:45 must sign in at the office.
2:00 PM
If you are checking a student out, please do so BEFORE 2:00pm.
All transportation changes have been communicated to students.
3:00 PM
Dismissal - Students must go to buses or car rider line at this time. Students participating in supervised activities after school (sports, clubs), must report to those locations. Students waiting to attend athletic events should report to the cafeteria to wait to be dismissed to the event. The halls and classrooms are off limits during after school events. Students who leave campus or the area of the event (which includes going to the complex, the store, etc.) when they are supposed to be attending an after-school event or waiting for it to begin, will have their parents called and may lose the privilege of remaining after school for activities.
All students have been pick-up and office campus